Kutató és oktató tevékenység a hagyományőrzés, a generációk közötti kultúraközvetítés területén. Kulcsszavak: templomos lovagok, vörös barátok, népi kultúra, néprajz, népköltészet, generációk közötti hagyományátadás, Edelényi Adél

Adél Vehrer PhD

folklorist, cultural anthropologist

associate professor of the Széchenyi István University,

head of the Community Organisation BA 


In 2002 she became a doctor of ethnography and cultural anthropology after defending her dissertation titled “Knights Templars in the European Folklore”, receiving summa cum laude honour. This work was published under the same title by Gondolat Publisher in 2004 and became a bestseller.

As part of her work conducted as a lecturer and researcher she has published eight books so far: she processed the life story of Lajos Tuba, a peasant in Sokorópátka, titled “I have lived through five worlds”, later on she wrote a college textbook titled “Folk Culture” (2003) then her book “History of the Castle on the Bell Ringer Hill in the Oral Tradition in Sokorópátka” came out (2003, second edition 2022). She published her book “The Legend of Knights Templar in the Oral Tradition in Sokorópátka” in 2007, and her book “Folk Culture – Basics of Ethnography” came out in 2009.  In 2017, her book was inspired the evants of 56 revolution in Hungary: 1956 in the oral tradition in Sokorópátka. Her book - published in 2019 - presents historical legends of a small village called Tényő. In 2022 she released a second edition of "The history of the castle on the Bell Ringer Hill in the oral traditions in the Sokoró region". She wrote about the "Knights and Monks in Sokorópátka" (2023) which she released in german too named "Ritter und Mönche in Sokorópátka" (2024).

She comes from Sokorópátka and she has been collecting and seeking for ethnographic treasures of her native land since her childhood. For her work she received the Dr. Pál Kovács Award for General Education of Győr-Moson-Sopron County in 2012. The Students’ Council of the Széchenyi István University awarded the Prize “Lecturers for Students” to her for her educational work in 2017. She has been a member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2004.

Her research covers especially folk poetry within folklorism but in the past few years she was specialized in transfer of knowledge and values between generations and the processes of passing down traditions as well.  


Her independent volumes published so far:

  • I Have Lived through Five Worlds – the life story of Lajos Tuba countryman in Sokorópátka (1992)
  • Folk culture – collage textbook (2003)
  • The history of the castle on the Bell Ringer Hill in the oral traditions in the Sokoró region (2003, second edition 2022)
  • Knights Templar in the European folklore, series of Doctoral Master Works (2004, second edition 2018)
  • The legend of the Templars in the oral traditions in the Sokoró region (2007)
  • Folk culture – the basics of ethnography (2009)
  • 1956 in the oral tradition in Sokorópátka (2017)
  • Historical folklore in Tényő (2019)
  • Knights and Monks in Sokorópátka (2023)
  • Ritter und Mönche in Sokorópátka (2024)

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 31
Tegnapi: 8
Heti: 48
Havi: 93
Össz.: 56 423

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Oldal: Introduction
*** Dr. VEHRER ADÉL néprajzkutató *** GENERÁCIÓK-NÉPI KULTÚRA-HAGYOMÁNYOZÁS - © 2008 - 2025 - vehreradel.hupont.hu

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