Kutató és oktató tevékenység a hagyományőrzés, a generációk közötti kultúraközvetítés területén. Kulcsszavak: templomos lovagok, vörös barátok, népi kultúra, néprajz, népköltészet, generációk közötti hagyományátadás, Edelényi Adél

Adél Vehrer: Hungarian Folk Customs and Traditions. Polgári Szemle. Civil Review. Vol. 13. Special Issue, 2017. 371-387.


DOI: 10.24307/psz.2017.0322


In folk cultures the complex system of folk customs regulated and determined the everyday lives and festivities of the members of long-established communities. As a consequence of the social and economic changes that have taken place over the past century, the entire system of traditions has been reshaped and it has become part of our everyday lives to continually pass on folk customs between nations and cultures. The passing on of traditions played a key role in peasant society for many centuries, and was influenced by a number of factors. Today, however, the place and role of the generations have been transformed by this process. In contrast to past centuries, the present day is characterised by the development of technology. The information society has brought a substantial change to people’s lives, and today most of traditional folk culture is only a historical relic. Traditions can, nevertheless, still fulfil their role if we can pass them on to the coming generation, and so it is the responsibility of all of us to maintain and carry on traditions. 




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*** Dr. VEHRER ADÉL néprajzkutató *** GENERÁCIÓK-NÉPI KULTÚRA-HAGYOMÁNYOZÁS - © 2008 - 2025 - vehreradel.hupont.hu

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